Welcome to GTI 2025 - Registration is now open!

Welcome to our newsletter about the International Gentle Teaching Conference 2025! We are delighted to have you with us and look forward to sharing exciting news and information with you.

The conference will take place from 16-18 September 2025 in Aalborg, Denmark, and will be held at the Aalborg Congress & Culture Center. This year's theme is "The Many Colours," and we have an inspiring program filled with lectures, workshops, and networking opportunities ready for you.

What can you expect from the newsletter?

  • Conference updates: Stay informed with the latest news and changes.
  • Keynote Speaker presentations: Learn more about our exciting keynote speakers and their contributions.
  • Practical information: Get important details about the practical aspects of the conference.

Registration is now open!
We are pleased to announce that registration for the conference is now open! Make sure to secure your spot by registering here:

We look forward to welcoming you.

Note: We have a new newsletter feature, which is why your registered contacts have been transferred to our new system. Therefore, you will receive newsletters from this address going forward.